
Positive Thoughts: Frame Your Mind, Shape Your Destiny

When you wake up in the morning, are you excited to continue moving forward in your life? Or miserable because life never seems to get better?

The thoughts never seem to stop. You know the ones. They tell you, no matter how hard you try, you will never amount to anything. This is your self-talk. By the time you sit down to try and do something, your energy is gone. Our mind is spiking our cortisol all day. Time goes by and nothing we do to be proactive in our lives seems to work. The goals that we set for ourselves never seem obtainable. Worse yet, they get further away because of the time we’ve wasted.

I wrote this essay to help people face their negative mind. To silence the voices once and for all. I want to help you become your best self. To reach your full potential in this life. Let us begin…

Every day we engage in conversations. We do this with the people around us and ourselves. The thing is, few people realize the conversations going on in their own heads.

Throughout the day, we are holding full-blown conversations with ourselves. No matter the activity, there is a voice inside of us.

Even right now, as I write this essay, there is a voice in my head. It is judging the words I type.

No, you don’t need to check into a mental institution. (Well, maybe some of you). Everyone reading this has these conversations. So, let’s figure out how to maximize our lives by using this voice to our advantage.

We have conversations going on in our head all day. Sometimes, even many ones at once. How many are negative and irrelevant? Identify the ones that are not adding value and discard them. The focus should be on positive thoughts. Ones that add value to, not only our lives but those around us.

One of the best things I have done in my life was recognizing these voices. I, then, chose which ones are important to my mission. The more positive I treated myself the more got done. If I treated myself in a negative way, I was crying months later because I wasted so much time. Whatever you are doing, the way you frame it is what will determine how your life goes. If you frame a small problem as a big one, you will feel anxious and depressed.

History has shown that the way we frame our thoughts affects our existence. Science has proven that the way we speak to ourselves can improve many aspects of our lives. By speaking to ourselves in a positive way, we are happier, get more done, and develop true self-esteem. We don’t even realize it, but it is fundamental to a successful life.

The issue we find ourselves in, unfortunately, is that most of us don’t have positive thoughts all day. We have negative ones. When our thoughts dwell on adversity, we are powerless. Minuscule tasks now feel monumental. Issues we may not even have, decide to spring up as well. Negativity begins in the brain. It is destroying you through your own thoughts and words.

Throughout this series, we will begin to see exactly how to change these thoughts into our favor. We are going to change the jargon of our mind to elevate our lives. No Woo-Woo or rah-rah stuff. Just the practical advice that I can give you to get a happier life through positive thinking.

We won’t be going over mantras that only work for some. I will be bringing you the best advice I can. The stuff that I use every day. The topics discussed may not be all sunshine and rainbows but they will be genuine.

Thank you, everyone, for reading! If you want to follow me on any of the platforms I create on, you can find them here:

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