
10 Rules For Success On @WatchMixer

10 Rules For Success On @WatchMixer:

Success in anything we do is an outcome we all strive for.  

If we are going to put a ton of time into something, we are going to want to see some fruits of our labor.

The platform is irrelevant. You can be streaming, writing, or creating a podcast.

Success takes time and effort.

The Road to 100 Follows:

After 4 weeks on Mixer, I hit and surpassed 100 followers.

The ten points I am going to discuss below are the biggest takeaways that have helped me with growth.

Some points in this post might come off as tough love.

The truth is achieving success isn’t always sunshine and rainbows…

…sometimes it’s harsh

This entire post is me ripping out my heart and setting it on the screen in front of you.

I hope this offers value to you and gives you a glimpse of what I try to improve upon every day.

To people that hit me up asking advice, this is for you.

I want to show you how someone on a small pedestal can have huge dreams.

Without further ado, I present to you the 10 Ways I Am Setting Myself Up For Success On Mixer:

1. Helping Others Without Asking For Anything In Return:

Gary Vee talks about this in his book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook.

He explains how we need to be offering value to someone before going for the ask. We can’t ask someone who has a platform for a favor without providing value to them.

If you take before you provide, you are fucking up big time.

We can also use this for our channels.

Stop streaming for view count and start streaming for actual viewers.

The moment you start treating people as numbers, you will fail.

When we come from a place of giving to people who are there, we set ourselves up for success.

The times we are creating, expect nothing and hope for the best.

Too often, creators of various sizes only think about what they can get from their audience.

Never think this way…EVER!

I am always trying to figure out how to give back more than the day before.

2. Mental Health:

We need to be creating from a space deep within our soul.

Our content needs to be something we provide even during times we aren’t feeling 100%.

The only way we will get anything done is to pull from our passion in these times.

Another way to ensure we stay consistent is to keep our mental health in check.

If you let it the negativity of the world will consume you.

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

We need to make sure we are doing everything in our power to add to our positive mindset.

For me, this will be the hardest thing I have ever done.

What keeps me going is adding a small percentage of positivity every single day

3. Networking:

This is a subject I have wanted to discuss for awhile.

It is also one of the most asked questions on the #AskBroman Podcast.

Networking is the most important factor of success.

This past weekend I had a viewer comment on the growth of the channel. (

He commented that I was doing everything the right way.

I asked him what he meant by this.

The viewpoints and interests of my viewers are the channels lifeblood.

He replied saying that I was building the channel the correct way.

Image result for networking

This means:

  • Spending time in other people’s channels

  • Hanging out in my own Discord and engaging with its members

  • Offering value on any and every platform I can when I am not broadcasting

How do I know this is benefitting me?

Look at my Twitter today and compare it to before I streamed.

I get more retweets, likes, and engagement than ever before.

The connections I make with people are over having the same interests and passions.

I have gotten messages from people complaining about growth. They ask me what they are doing wrong.

The truth I tell them every time:

You are in this for yourself and yourself only. Nothing about your content offers real value meant for real people. The brand on display is being built for the sole purpose of personal benefit.

Why have you just got done with a broadcast and no one showed up?

It could be a variety of reasons but next time ask:

  • Did I spend ten minutes in other people’s channels?

  • Was I engaging with the audience in others channels? Not just the broadcaster?

  • Do you use Twitter as a content consuming platform? Or a content building platform?

  • Are you using every possible way to provide value?

  • Were there any times throughout the day when you could’ve engaged your audience? Even when you weren’t live?

The bottom line is:

Network every day no matter if it’s for 5 minutes or 5 hours.

Success is based on the market. The market is your audience. They will decide whether you succeed or fail based on everything mentioned above.

4. Embrace Your Fear:

Being able to face your fears and be uncomfortable are pillars of success.

This is something you don’t want to hear but still a vital key.

I wrote a blog post about this.

If you are afraid to try new things or put out content without it being perfect, you will fail.

Perfection is stagnation. This comes from the fear of the unknown.

It is a fact that by putting it out there can lead us to some new opportunities.

We won’t get to our goals without learning. The best learning is from doing. By doing that means putting your heart on the line and creating something – even when fearful of how it will be taken.

When we can do this, we face our fears. It shows we have that drive for success no matter the cause.

Do things that you fear. It manifests growth in both our personal lives and our brand.

5. What Do We Want?:

This point was also featured in a previous blog post.

What are we so passionate about that will set us up for success?

What can we do every day regardless of mental chatter?

I am going to reference Gary Vee once again. He pushes the tasting of a lot of different outlets.

Image result for gary vee taste

  • Try as many different platforms for content creation as you can.

  • Find out which one is one you can not live without.

  • Which thing in life is your oxygen?

  • What is the one thing you need to do every day or you will not feel whole at the end?

Don’t worry about the questions as much as the actual doing (tasting).

When you find it you will know. You will feel it throughout every fiber of your being.

6. If You Aren’t Making Sacrifices, Stop Bitching:


This is a point that I struggle with all the time.

I know on a Friday after work I am going to take some time to hang out with family and friends.

The time I spend doing that I could be online. I could be finishing a new blog post or new podcast.

Success is predicated on giving as much leisure time to your side hustle.

I am not advocating quitting your day job. We all have bills to pay.

What I am saying is sacrifices will need to be made to have the growth for success.

Image result for askbroman

Professor Broman answered it best on Episode 62 of his podcast. He said when he was coming up it was like a computer program.

Am I at work? No… Then I am streaming. Am I at work? Yes…. then I am offline.

We have the same amount of hours in the day as the top broadcasters.

The work needs to be completed. No matter if that is going live or background work.

The only way this can be accomplished and breed success is to sacrifice. This means the leisure time when you aren’t moving forward.

7. Going All In On Your Strengths:

Every one of us has strengths.

We have things that we excel at. With enough time and work, we can develop these from subpar to extraordinary.

As I said before, the only way to success is to make more time. We need time to practice our strengths and dial them in. This will lead us to perform them to our best abilities.

If you are curious what is a good strength to go all in on, focus on what creates the most value.

Identify weaknesses that don’t get you closer to your goals. Once identified, cut that shit out and focus only on your strengths.

For example, one of my strengths is the ability to motivate. Whether that is through writing or broadcasting, I am working on this every minute I get.

From working with real people on real problems, I have content to provide value to my community.

8. Physical Health:

Streaming is a platform that requires a ton of energy.

I try to take an hour out of my day to help myself physically.

If my physical health isn’t the best it can be, I will fail.

Full Disclosure: I am, by no means, a poster boy for physical health.

But by doing something each day, I am benefitting not only myself physically but mentally.

Over the weekend, I had an excellent bunch of streams.

On the flipside of that, I stayed up super late and celebrated a little too much. I was streaming until 4 AM both Friday and Saturday night.

I usually take time on Sundays for recovery, watching movies and chilling. Instead, I went live twice to keep the positive growth going.

On Monday, I was dragging ass.

But I still made it to the gym and ate right. This produced the energy I needed to stream Monday evening. I made it at my scheduled time of 6 PM and had an incredible broadcast.

Streaming is something that is taxing on both your physical and mental health.

I strive to do one thing every day that will remedy this.

9. Community:

The pinnacle of why I do what I do.

Building a community for people to call home is the most important part of content creation.

Once a day, I get the privilege of helping other people. I can provide them with an escape or some form of joy.

They come to the channel to escape the daily grind and hang out with the entire community.

An extraordinary community breeds a deep love. Not only for the platform, Mixer but for the people in your channel.

I am currently seeing something amazing starting to take form. I am humbled and honored to be at the forefront of that.

In order for this to grow the right way, I need to never forget who I am.

My love for creating for them needs to be about them. If I do this, the community will continue to grow. They will want to be there because they know the love is genuine and never faked.

10. Patience:

Patience is the key to creating content.

Google it! You will see a plethora of successful entrepreneurs preaching the same thing.

No matter what platform we choose, the road to success is a long one.

You will feel every emotion life can throw at you. There will be times of joy and times of questioning why you are doing this at all.

The only way to bust through this is to remain patient.

Goals or hacks for the short term are not going to benefit you over the long haul.

Asking yourself where you want to be in 5 years and setting yourself up for that is where success lies.

I have seen this by only streaming on Mixer for one month. I started with one viewer to now having 5 or more.

This is happening because of everything I have described in this article.

I don’t expect one single thing when I go live. My focus is on remaining patient while working on improving the product.

This will ensure me that when the viewers come, I will be ready.

It also contributes to a better experience for our current community.

Without remaining patient, the spark will cease to exist.

By being patient, I can reassure myself I am doing the best that I can while getting better each day.

The Point In All This:

Image result for building a community

If you haven’t caught the underlying theme to all this it is Community.

The people in my channel and Discord are not viewers…they are friends.

To be successful in this space, it’s not only about our own growth but the growth of everyone.

Kindness, dedication, consistency, and a love for every single person that shows up.

My “viewers” (friends) have a place in my heart. I show this every day by engaging with them. Not because I have to but because they are incredible and I want to be there for them.

Never ask me about growth in any space of any kind if you are trying to play a numbers game with human beings.

Some may call this tough love. A few may say I am too small a streamer to voice an opinion of this stature.

I implore you to stop by the channel to discuss.

You will see a genuine dude trying to make his mark in the world.

I am putting out the best content I can within my capabilities.

Not only for me but for the most important people here… my friends.

Thank you, everyone, for reading! If you want to follow me on any of the platforms I create on, you can find them here:

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  • ThaddeusPrime
    April 27, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    Spot on my friend!
    Keep up the good work you do.