
Going To The Gym Before Work: My Biggest Life Hack For 2018

My Biggest Life Hack For 2018:

We all know we need to go to the gym regularly. This is a routine I have implemented in the New Year to which I am having great success.

A few weeks ago, I was doing my morning scroll through my Twitter Feed. Ed Latimore, a virtual mentor I follow, had a tweet that I responded to.

My response actually got a lot of traction. People were tweeting at me asking me questions about my Morning Gym routine I started in the New Year. I decided to elaborate on it here.

The gym is one of those topics that everyone always talks about. Everybody knows they need some form of exercise daily.

Although I am overweight, I have always made it mandatory to go to the gym. I strength train 3 times a week and do some walking on off days.

My eating habits still suck shit but at least I know I am moving forward with strength and cardio.

On top of all that I work 40+ hours a week.

I get up at 5:30 AM to get to work on time at 6:30 AM.

Sunday through Thursday I go to bed at 9 PM to make sure I am well rested for the next day. I found that I need 6-8 hours a night to function throughout the next day.

The work that I do could be easy or hard depending on the circumstances around the stores.

On some days I would leave work feeling great and energized. Other days, I would feel like absolute garbage.

The majority of the people I talk to told me about how they would need to bring their gym clothes to work with them. They said there was no way they would be able to go home and head back out to the gym after their workday.

The issue I was having was that I have a dog that needs to be let out every day immediately after work. I would need to get home as soon as possible to let him out.

Once I would let the dog out to do his business, I would come back inside and start getting ready to head out to the gym.

But, of course, I wouldn’t go immediately. My brain would start firing off bullshit excuses.

You had a tough day at work.

You’re exhausted.

Missing one-day won’t hurt.

The battle with my own Resistance would mean I would waste 1-2 hours sitting around doing nothing. I would try to silence my brain while it kept firing excuse after excuse at me. This resulted in me either not going at all or going and wasting 2 hours of my time doing nothing.

My job changed hours earlier this year to open an hour later.

Most people would take this opportunity to sleep in an extra hour.

I didn’t.

I decided that I would get up a half hour earlier (5:00 AM) than I had been for years to get the gym done first thing in the morning.

The new routine has been going strong since December when we changed hours.

The result? I haven’t missed a workout in three months.

I could have never said that before implementing this new morning routine.

By getting up at 5 AM to get to the gym by 5:30 AM, I only have one thing on my mind: Get up and get it done.

The fact that I woke up allows me to limit my brains bullshit excuses. It could not tell me I had a hard day because the day hasn’t even started yet.

I get out of bed when my alarm goes off, let the dog out, and get my gym clothes on. Not to mention, I have a secret tool in using G-Fuel to clear that morning fog.

When I arrive, I get out my car instead of sitting around staring at my phone for another 10 to 15 minutes.

Before I know what hit me, I am lifting the heaviest weight I will lift all day – the front door to the gym.

Another point to make is the fact that, since I have to get to work on time, I have a time limit to get everything done. The time works for my benefit because I know I only have an hour to get in and get out. This minimizes the bullshit while allowing me to focus only on the workout.

I won’t lie to you and say its super easy. Most days I get there I am groggy since it is early. The boost I get once the G-Fuel hits alleviates all that.

The mixed drink of miracles turns me from being groggy to a mother fucking beast!

It is 5:30 AM and I am hitting new personal records hours before people are even getting out of bed.

I used to cut my workouts short. With all the time I wasted before the gym, I wanted to get home at a set time to do some personal endeavors.

Going to the gym in the morning resulted in:

  • Not missing a workout in 3 months

  • Never cut a workout short to get home

  • Hitting new personal records

  • Feeling energized and maintaining that throughout the day

If you have ever struggled with getting to the gym after your workday, I recommend trying to go before work.

Even if we went back to our old hours at my work, I would still dial my sleep back one hour. This way I could still get to the gym before I had to go in.

The best part of all this is when you get out of work. Since the hardest part of my day is over with, I have time to focus on me. I can get projects done that I want to whether that includes cleaning the house or working on a side hustle.

Not only have I saved an hour by already going to the gym, but I have also saved two to three hours of procrastination.

Finally, the last benefit I have noticed from going to the gym early is that I am full of energy the entire day.

I had an off day the other week and I was going to hit the gym for some posture walking. I skipped it for whatever reason. The entire day I was an irritable scumbag. I wasn’t good to myself or others. Terrible thoughts were popping up in my head all day and I couldn’t shake them.

The next day, I got back into the gym and got what I needed to get done finished. I felt like a brand new person. I was calm, collected, and feeling positive.

The next day I got back to the gym, got my workout done, and felt like a new person.

The biggest life hack I have implemented into my life in 2018 is going to the gym early.

I wanted to share this with you all because, as I said, I have been receiving a lot of questions on Social Media.

If you have any further questions or comments, please leave them in the section below. I will do my best to keep everyone updated on my gym progress and how the routine is going.

Thank you, everyone, for reading!

Let me know if there are any other topics you would like for me to write about.

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