Lifestyle Podcasts

Accept The Unpredictable: The Fanatic

The Fanatic:

You are a fanatic. A person who abuses certain ways of life. These ways can be destroying your dreams, but you remain steadfast in them. You are comfortable in knowing what will happen tomorrow. 

What is the weather going to be like? How much money will be in my bank account? What new show can I binge watch on Netflix? This is not the way to live. You need to embrace the unknown, not your comfort zones. 

Why do we do this?: Trust. 

We want to feel safe and not feel uncertainty throughout our days. Everything must be planned in advance. Where we go, what we do, and who we see. Our brains get accustomed to the same security every day that we become a slave to it. A fanatic! I could be meeting someone for the first time and unconsciously sizing up every aspect of them. Money could be wasted on products with a better name rather than better quality. 

I remember a health book I bought that recommended over $150 worth of supplements. Did I buy all of them? You bet I did. I thought they were essential for my health. The only thing they did was drain my wallet.

Why am I telling you this? To show you that you are a fanatic of having a safe and comfortable future. 

Go on YouTube and look at any successful person. You will hear them go on about how they had nothing but took massive action to achieve their goals. They will then say that they would’ve never succeeded if not for years of failure first. It may sound cliche. We may be tired of hearing it, but the words that the successful keep talking about are true. The more times we try and fail, the more we learn. Learning comes from not having a safe future. It comes from being a fanatic to the unknown, not the known. 

This all boils down to our cavemen and women ancestors. When you look anywhere today (the news, social media, etc.) it would seem that the world is the scariest it’s ever been. Newsflash, we are living in the best times ever to be alive. Our cavemen ancestors had to wake up every day not sure if they were going to survive that day. When we wake up, death at any moment is not on our minds. Our ancestors could have been food for predators, victims of famine or disease, or any other problem that does not exist today. 

The realities of today do not compare to the hardships of the past. No life isn’t perfect by any means, but it is better than before. Our smartphones, medicines, and laws have minimized what could be extreme chaos in our lives. 

I understand that we can still fall victim to anything I mentioned above. In reality, the chances of these things happening are slim. 

The following paragraph may shock you but: you probably are not going to die today. Your job is going to be secure even if you ask for a raise. The relationships you have or want are not going to crumble because of a misstep. They can flourish even in the face of adversity or taking risks to keep these relationships exciting.

Risks you take are not going to kill you.

I say this because taking a chance is beneficial today whereas it may not have been before. Your brain is programmed with this old software from decades or centuries ago. What once kept us from dying is now keeping us from achieving. 

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