
Life Control: Regret and Anxiety

Regret and Anxiety:

We can have BIG goals. I love striving for things that seem unattainable. For example, I love writing and streaming. The chances of me becoming the next Ninja or Stephen King are unlikely. Am I ready to put in the time needed to achieve that level of success? Do I understand that I need less social media consumption and more writing? Am I going to risk getting less sleep so I can stream more? Do I have the strength to accept the responsibilities that come with all this? If I achieved success in any of these platforms, the demands of myself would increase. We have stress in our lives now. Could we deal with even more by becoming an influencer on a platform? Society and social media have made being the best of the best in demand. It has put a veil over real life. Social Media shows us the best moments in people’s lives. Instead of documenting our journey, we create false stories. What about being comfortable with who we are? Expectations of what we should be will get us nowhere. All they get us are feelings of depression and anxiety. Expectations make us feel that we are not living up to society’s norms. 

None of what I said above means that we should give up on our goals. No matter what happens in this space, we need to move forward. If we don’t we will experience the worst emotion – regret. Long hours and working hard are the minimum requirements in this game. If that’s what it takes to reach our dreams, we will get it done by any means necessary. We cannot lose focus on why we started our journey to begin with. 

Too many times we dwell on the things we don’t have. These things are usually trivial to our success. You may be saying to yourself, “I don’t need to lose weight.” or “I don’t need to become an influencer.” Which is fine, until you see someone that was in your exact position a few years ago having success in your field. You may see someone who lost a ton of weight or created the same type of content you were. Where they persevered through the hard times, we quit, and now we live with regret. We must take a survey of our actual needs, making sure our eyes never get off the prize. The process is a journey. One we must be willing to play for life. 

If we want a better life we need to create a plan, take massive action, and be consistent. Our lives aren’t always going to allow us to be striving towards what we want. We need to be making sure we are executing at every opportunity we can. 

Creativity takes countless hours every week. We need to produce and send it out into the world. If you don’t have the hours to spend on your goals, it may be time to reevaluate. Fake it til you make it can only take you so far. Do not pretend to be something you are not. Accept your life as it is in the moment and move forward. When you start to love the life you have, when you are grateful, time opens back up to tackle those goals once again. 

“I do not want to hit the gym every day to better my health.” “I would rather spend time with friends and family rather than create a new business.” 

Whatever your truth is then be 100% about it. Once you accept these things, you will not have a life filled with regret and anxiety. You will be present in your current life situation. The pretending will stop. It is here where we can build our plan for the future. It is here where we can pursue our goals, when the time is right, not when we think we should be. 

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