Lifestyle Podcasts

Life Control: I Am Not Eager

You may be questioning if you are eager to change. There is nothing wrong with this. By realizing if you have found your passion or not is half the battle! 

Do you want to live a life of mediocrity? No. Are we ok living an unhealthy lifestyle? No. Do we want our relationships to flourish and go places never thought possible? Yes. 

Say it out loud: I AM NOT EAGER!!!

The realization of not being eager brings out the determination we want. This will allow us to attack the situation with all we have. The ships have been burnt to the ground and the only way out is through action. 

When you commit to not live in your comfort zone anymore, amazing things happen. We tap into this other self that allows us to make the change needed by any means necessary. By becoming a little pissed off at a mediocre life, you muster up the courage to build a new one. When you have hit rock bottom is when you will stop the bullshit and start doing. The eagerness for life comes from this place. It does not matter if you think you can or you can’t when you have no other options. Understand that being in a rut is still a blessing. One which can fuel amazing accomplishments once thought impossible. 

Depending on where you are at in life, you can get the motivation you need from either route. If you are uneager than you want to pull yourself up from the bottom. When you are eager you can continue to build upon what you have already. Like I said, neither is bad because both are getting you to take action. 

It all comes back to Chapter 1 and viewing your problems as opportunities. 

I was eager to leave the job I was at but I wasn’t eager to go into that same job anymore. 

Figure out which one works best for the situation you are in. Whichever one gets you up and living is the one you want to focus on.

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