
Life Control: Getting Out Our Dreams

The thing about stepping back and evaluating your journey is that you can plan the best course of action to take in the future.

Is sitting down to write as bad as it sounds? I know that it is scary staring at a blank page, but in time we can create something awesome from it. You may sit down one day and only write a paragraph. A month from now, pages. Pretty soon, you are a full-fledged writer, writing every day. After that, you are publishing your first book. This is how we make dreams a reality.

What is the worst that could happen if we ask for that promotion at work? You get told No? What happens when we put up walls around our dreams? We will continue to be unhealthy, hate our job, and get the same results we have for years. Not to mention, a life filled with regret. The change starts with an eagerness to get more out of life. 

Most of the time, we create chaos where none exists.

We envision our task and all the work that goes into it. This guarantees we never make progress. The best way to get the ball rolling is to be consistent. And the best way to be consistent is to break large tasks into smaller ones. When thinking about weight loss, we analyze how hard it will be to lose 100+ lbs. Instead, set up small goals like losing 1-2lbs a week. After one month that’s 4-8lbs. In a year, you can lose 96 or more! Time is going to pass anyway. You may as well make the days count toward something. 

The weightloss example might be minor in the grand scheme of things. You may be facing much more difficult problems. No matter the size, completing small steps will lead to progress. Let’s take another example. You are holding something back from a friend or family member that you wanted to say for a long time. What if getting it all out will change your life in a big way?

“Am I eager to shed this burden and let it all out?” 

When you think of it this way, you feel relief in having that talk. You feel present when talking, listening, and accepting what comes after. It may be the scariest thing you ever do, but you will be better off in the long run. The stress of communicating your feelings to someone opens up your life. It allows for more opportunities because it is your truth. When you are holding nothing back and speak your truth, you gain access to your self-esteem. This is when your spirit becomes alive. 

More often than not, the problems we face are not as massive as we make them out to be. Where we mess up is by not seeing them for what they are. I understand that some issues are bigger than others, but some are like chains around our dreams. The dreams that will give us that fulfilling and successful life we desire. 

Are you eager to break those chains to access the life of your dreams?

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