Lifestyle Podcasts

Life Control: Become Eager And Succeed

When we figure out what to pursue, life becomes a lot simpler. Time is going to pass anyway, why not make something of it?

Comparison to others is a toxic way to go through life. If anything, take inspiration from the people that are where you want to be and start your own journey. The focal point of your life is just that – your life! I realized the more eager I am to change, the better my life becomes. Do not dwell on the flashiness of the successful, but on the action plan of our future. 

Once we figure out the path we want to take, we can redirect our focus into those goals. Our Self-Talk becomes a tool on our journey. Our subconscious assists us rather than worrying about people who are more successful. 

When we understand the tasks we are eager to do, we can control our subconscious.  Completing these tasks will benefit us. We gain an understanding of our passions. The thoughts we make up in our head will no longer hinder progress. Instead, we will use the strength of our truths to motivate us. The eagerness to put in the work can only come from us. Negative thoughts will cease to exist. No more saying, “I should not create because I won’t make it” or “I will not go to the gym because I am too fat.” These thoughts do not rule our lives anymore. The reason is we have identified them and brought them out in the open.

Once we have determined what we are eager and uneager to do, negative Self-Talk cannot survive. The walls you have put up, keeping you from a great life, come crumbling down. Nothing will hold us back anymore. The make-believe bullshit is silent once and for all. 

Once you take action, momentum will build. You will become unstoppable. The tasks we put off for years are actually getting done. Eagerness will allow you to push through any obstacle on your journey. It will allow you to start living again. 

Eagerness is the catalyst for everything we do. Can you feel the possibilities once thought impossible? This has worked for me many times in my life. It’s the feeling of new beginnings. The excitement of a future that has everything we want to achieve. The difference is, we now have the ability to get it. 

When in doubt, ask yourself “Am I eager?” No matter what time of day it is. Regardless of what is happening at the moment, keep asking yourself this until you say “I AM EAGER!” We are training the subconscious to take action in our of life. 

At the end of the day, “Are you eager?”

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