
Diet, Nutrition, and Fasting | The B+ Podcast – Episode 42

Diet is something I have never been good at. Ever since I was young I have been struggling with my weight. When I was in high school I shed the pounds I had been holding on to since childhood. Mind you, it was not in the best way. I was starving myself to lose weight.

Little did I know, as an adult, I would realize what I did all those years ago wasn’t as bad as I thought. In 2018, I found intermittent fasting. I lost a few pounds doing this. Then, I found out about OMAD (One Meal A Day). I started doing this since I had already been fasting for most of the day. I would switch my eating window from 8 hours down to 2.

The problem with all of this is that I am a food addict. It does not matter how or when I eat, I will keep eating until sick (or close to it). The duration of my eating window does not matter since I will continue to eat when I break the fast.

Today, I am doing prolonged fasting and this is what we discuss in massive detail on the newest episode of The B+ Podcast. It is the diet that is actually working for me.

Nasum and I talk about our struggles with weight and what we are doing today to beat our demons for good. 

I hope you enjoy this episode and if you would like to chat our DMs are always open. Please like and subscribe so you know when we go live. Also, share this with someone who is struggling with the same issues we are.

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