Lifestyle Podcasts

Problems and Perception: How To Handle Negativity

Everyone has problems, life is not perfect, and that is OK.

At some point in our lives, we will feel conquered. Negativity will seep into our minds. There will be times that nothing goes as planned. We have not quit yet, but feel the weight of our efforts.

There could be huge obstacles in our way:

  • A struggle in our relationships

  • Goals are not met

  • Consistent production of content with no audience

  • Financial ruin

Our luck could seem as if it has run out.

There could be small obstacles in our way:

  • We are losing weight but not as much as we hoped

  • Our content has an audience but not at the scale we intended

  • A petty argument

  • Lack of sleep

What we need to realize is that, whether big or small, negativity spreads like a virus. If we don’t stop it in its tracks, it will seep into every facet of our lives.

If losing weight is important to us, every calorie will feel like a dagger to our body goals. You will not want to engage in any social situations. Relationships with family, spouses, or children will deteriorate. Minor annoyances will feel like major ones. Stress levels are maxed out. It is not because of weight loss in and of itself but because we are failing to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Our entire existence could feel irreparable as minor issues compile into major ones. We have sprung a leak in our lives that will slowly overtake us the more we continue to let the hole become larger. We try to plug it up the best we can but what we really need is new infrastructure.

One small goal not being met could become the vision you see for yourself throughout all aspects.

Negativity can produce destructive thought patterns such as:

  • I will never get anywhere in life

  • I am too far gone to ever recover

  • The people around me are toxic and dragging me down

  • I give up

None of the statements above may be true. The reason they are even in your mind is because of the vision you have through negativity. When you are in the trenches of this mindset, no book or person will be able to make you see clearly. Furthermore, you will continue making things worse because of this thinking. Bad experiences are going to happen. It is how you deal with them that will make or break your future.

The change has to occur is how we see these problems. It needs to shift from negativity to a positive and disciplined approach.

Which brings us to our next mantra, I am capable!

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