
Be Personal, Be Proud, Be Human

In today’s article, I want to discuss how being personal with your audience is a key to your content creation:

How do we stand out in a space that’s oversaturated?

What are we doing different that will engage viewers and drive people to share?

Be Personal, Be Proud, Be Human…

The sole reason my content does well is because of how personal I am.

I share my thoughts and feelings at that exact moment. It doesn’t matter whether it is good or bad, pretty or ugly.

I won’t lie to you. When I am streaming on Mixer, I like to keep the positivity high. Some days the trials and tribulations of real life might seep through.

I understand this might make my channel inauthentic at times. But I understand that people are coming to watch me to escape the perils of real life.

My channel is there to provide escapism for the viewer. While I had something bad happen that day, I am still authentic to my audience. At my core, I am a positive dude.

Not to mention, the bullshit that happens in real life is minor. It should not steer me away from my audience or their enjoyment.

I also know enough that if something affected me that bad in my day to not create content.

The brand that I am going for is to stay positive in a world filled with negative. I will never let myself forget that or go against my own mantra.

If you have been around someone negative, you know the feeling. You don’t want to be around that person. There is enough crap in life, we don’t need more by the people closest to us.


When I am live, I tell my stories from my personal life. Viewers want to hear more about me because they are there to hang out. They want to feel like an old friend.

Personal Posts:

The blog articles I create from my own perspective of the world are the ones that get the most traction.

When I take time to polish a post and steal that authenticity from it, it gets less attention.

When I let the scars show and how I overcame… People flock to it.


Image result for relatability

What makes my content stand out in a sea of other producers is relatability.

This is the reason I am having slow but steady growth on my Mixer Channel.

People stop by to shoot the shit with a dude they know will be nothing but genuine to them.

My audience doesn’t want me to sit there like I am above them. They also don’t want to seem like I am below them.

The audience wants someone who they can relate to – ON A EQUAL LEVEL. They want to know you are human and go through the same things they do.

Relatability is the blood that will fuel your entire spectrum of content.

I can see in my chat that when we have the deep conversations is when they are most engaged.

Creating content this personal is scary. But your own true story is what people want to hear. They cant find that story anywhere else because no one is you but you.

The highs and the lows are all over my content. For my friends (audience), I will never shy away from that.

Saturday Night Sadness:

This past Saturday night I got upset because I wouldn’t get to stream for everyone.

I usually stream late into the night on both Friday and Saturdays.

Sunday morning I was going to a family event. It meant the world to me to be there for that. I wanted to go more than anything…

…I also wanted to stream for my viewers…

In the back of my mind, it was killing me. My viewers expect me to be there Saturday night and have somewhere to spend their time.

I only went live for 45 minutes…

A few viewers came in to catch the short broadcast.

I expressed to them how I was feeling.

Most people would shy away from this and keep it positive. I know my audience and I wanted to let them know what was going on and how I felt.

It was the best thing I could have done.

The viewers were understanding of my situation. They were happy I was sharing how I felt with them.

As fellow streamers themselves, it was something they could relate to.

The Big Names:

Look at some of the biggest names you follow. It doesn’t matter whether on YouTube, Podcasts, or blogs.

I guarantee, more often than not, their following reflects how personal they are.

A guy I mention all the time on this blog is Gary Vaynerchuk.

The reason why I reference him so much is his relatability. Not in a business sense, but on being a better person. No one preaches more positivity in the midst of chaos than Gary Vee.

He lets viewers into his life and is super personal.


The broadcasters out there doing artificial hacks like Follow4Follow are hurting themselves.

There is no genuine in connection in those sort of tactics.

I understand its scary to let the internet into your life to see the highs and lows.

Unfortunately, with a personal brand, its the only way.

Nobody wants to follow someone that is spewing out the recycled garbage without injecting their own life into it.

Be Personal, Be Proud, Be Human…

Thank you, everyone, for reading! If you want to follow me on any of the platforms I create on, you can find them here:

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