Lifestyle Podcasts

Life Control: Ending The Victim Mentality

The life you live is the one you tolerate. 

What is going on in your life to stop you from living a happy life? Are the problems so bad that we need to stop being joyful?

My life was bleak a few years ago. I didn’t want to stay in my family business. My weight got out of control, peaking at about 100+ pounds overweight. The wife and I were fighting over nonsense. What did I do? I started making changes in areas of my life that needed it. A plan of action needed to be set. The problems I faced needed to end. 

The bottom line was I was choosing the life I wanted to live. Working a job I didn’t like or stuffing my face with unhealthy food, these were all choices. If I made these things the norm, then I was saying it was ok these habits continue. 

The excuses I made were ridiculous. They were keeping me in a life of comfort. My life was spiraling and I was engineering it to remain that way. I defended living in mediocrity. 

 Every single day I created more problems for myself even though I was trying to fix the current ones. 

Our situations do not define us, but they reveal the truth to our actions. 

I decided to take the reigns of my life again. The old process was killing me and keeping me unhappy. I destroyed the old and began rebuilding the new. 

I rebuilt by:

  • Accepting I create my own success

  • Not comparing myself to others

  • Not seeking external validation

  • Understanding I am in control of my future regardless of my past 

All of the above helped me start living the life I wanted. The victim mentality ended, there was no one to blame but myself. Not to mention, putting all that stress on yourself gets you nowhere. I understood that there will be things that are out of my control. While some are more tragic than others, I can’t dwell on these misfortunes. 

We can be happy regardless of the past. The first step is to be proactive in life and accept all that comes with it. There will be situations where nothing we do would produce a different outcome. What we can control is how we react after our misfortunes happen. 

No matter the excuse we tell ourselves, life is all about what happens to us and how we react to it. Be prepared for the worst and act accordingly. 

We accept our lives for what they are in the present. For the future, we prepare to face it with our new knowledge. At the end of the day, it is all about our internal spirit. The consent that we are in full control of how we act and think. No one is going to do the hard work for you. We need to go forward in life and build the future we desire. 

By accepting that we are ready to change, we open ourselves to the opportunities we seek. When we focus on things we cannot control, we feel regret and remorse from not accomplishing our goals. 

Yes, there will be times that our mind makes excuses for not living how we want. When this happens, understand that it is coming from within our comfort zone. The brain will keep us stuck in the same victim mentality we have been trying to break free from. I have fallen into this trap many times, even when life seems great. The fear of the future, of getting what I wanted, didn’t seem right. I felt like I didn’t deserve to live a fulfilled life. All my past traumas and all my fears of what’s to come kept me in a crippling state.

The reason why I tell you that you can break free is that I have done it myself. My story is here to be helpful so you too can break free from the victim mentality. We all have something we are great at! It is time to realize this and move forward. Let this article be the light to the flame of your passion.

Believe with every ounce of your soul that you are ready to attack the day. Life will be tough at times. The ability to push through tough times will open up the world to us. The sun will always rise in the morning, are you going to stay a victim or prepare for success?

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